Ir Professor Alexander Ping Kong WAI
FHKEng [2012]
President and Vice-Chancellor, Hong Kong Baptist University
- FOSA, 2009
- FHKIE, 2010
- FIEEE, 2012
- Fellow, Optical Society of America, 2009
- Fellow Member, Council of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2010-
- Senior Vice President, Council of The Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science & Technology, 2010-2014
- Honorary Adviser, Construction Professional’s Development Centre, 2010-2015
- Member, Vocational Education and Training Advisory Committee, 2010-2015
- Guest Professor, Jinan University, 2010-2013
- Member, Engineering Panel of Research Grant Council, 2011-2015
- National Science and Technology Programmes Expert Database, The State Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012-
- Member, Assessment Panel in APAS Subgroup for Information Technology Support Programme (ITSP), 2013-2014
- Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
- Member, International Advisory Group of Optic Electronic Communication Conference of Lasers and Electro Optics – Pacific Rim, 2013-
- Member of Board of Director, Conference of Lasers and Electro Optics – Pacific Rim, 2013-
- Visiting Professor, Beijing Shenzhen Graduate School, 2013-2016
- Member, Tripartite Taskforce on Manpower Training (Aviation), 2014-2016
Ir Professor Ping-kong Alexander Wai is currently Vice President (Research Development) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and also Chair Professor of Optical Communications.His research interests include optical fiber communications and optical networks and is an active contributor to the technical field, having over 160 refereed international journal publications. He has contributed to the organization, served an invited speaker and keynote speakers of many international conferences. He is a fellow of Optical Society of America since 2009. In January and December 2012, Professor Wai elevated to IEEE Fellow and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences respectively. With the approval of the State Ministry of Science and Technology, Professor Wai has been selected for the “National Science and Technology Programmes Expert Database” since February 2012.