Hong Kong Winners of the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize
2 July 2024
Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) is pleased to announce that two winners, nominated by HKAES, have been selected by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) for the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in engineering science, and technological innovation.
The prize presentation ceremony was held on 25 June 2024 in Beijing.
The prize recipients nominated by HKAES are as follows (listed in alphabetical order of last name):
Professor Jinlian HU 胡金蓮教授
Chair Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Anderson Ho Cheung SHUM 岑浩璋教授
Professor, Associate Vice-President (Research and Innovation)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
For more information, please visit: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kMt0Mgk-nan9rCCN7IypJA
About HKAES:
Established in 1994, the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) is a prestigious organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the field of engineering in Hong Kong. HKAES aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and excellence in engineering, contributing to the advancement of society and the development of Hong Kong and our Nation. It comprises a distinguished group of Fellows from various disciplines, recognized as leaders in their profession, with remarkable achievements in engineering sciences and applications. For more information, please visit the HKAES’s website at (https://www.hkaes.org).
Enquiries: Ms Pinky MUI / Ms Belle WONG
Tel: 2692 8123
E-mail: support@hkaes.org